We're extremely grateful for all donations, which enable us to continue developing WireGuard as free open source software. We are happy to receive donations from interested companies who would like to see WireGuard development continue and thrive, as well as individual donations from folks who would simply like to say "thanks". By popular demand, you can now donate to WireGuard development via several means. Don't hesitate to ask us for stickers.
Contribute Monthly
Monthly donations help keep WireGuard development sustainable in the long run.
Contribute Once
We're happy to receive donations via Stripe, of the amount of your choosing.
We welcome all incoming Bitcoin donations. Don't hesitate to send an email after if you'd like your name listed on this page. Please use Bitcoin wallet 3Jsk6BuNkzW22RaCS1UaJy8w4bCwtVCkUF
If you intend to donate a very large amount, and wish to do so via other means such as bank transfer, please don't hesitate to send us an email.
WireGuard is extremely pleased to have a number of non-profit foundations and companies who have contributed to the project. Company donations* are divided into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and iridium categories, to reflect the breadth of their year of support.
Gold Company Donors
Non-Profit Foundations
Bronze Company Donors
IPv6rs made a donation during March 2024, as they launch their new IPv6 tunneling service built on top of WireGuard tunnels..
Equinix Metal has donated powerful hardware for our continuous integration build system, automated formal verification, and other intense calculations.
*The WireGuard project does not endorse any particular company or service provider and strives to work well for many different use cases and providers. The project is in no way influenced or directed by any external agendas.